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Culford Village Hall Booking Form

Terms and Conditions of Hire

  1. The premises are licensed under the terms of the Premises Licence, Licensing Act 2003 and the hirer shall not do, or suffer to be done, anything which may in any way imperil the licence affecting the premises of Culford Village Hall Committee. Such licence may be inspected by the hirer upon request and, in the absence of such request, the hirer will be deemed to have knowledge of its contents. The hirer shall indemnify the committee against any loss whatsoever arising from any breach in the terms of the licence

  2. The number of persons attending any function or event in the premises shall not exceed:

    1. 85 when seated at table

    2. 100 when used for dancing

    3. 100 when used for a close seated audience. Seating shall be arranged with a corridor four feet six inches(1m 35cm) with not more than twelve seats to each side.

  3. Pursuant to the licence there shall be no music, singing or dancing in the premises other than during the following periods:

    1. Monday to Saturday (inclusive) between the hours of 10:00 and 23:30

    2. Sundays between the hours of 10:00 and 22:30 for the purpose only of "Musical Entertainment" as described in the licence.

  4. Right of entry to the premises is reserved to any member of the Committee in addition to authorised officers of the Borough Council, Suffolk Constabulary and Suffolk Fire Authority referred to in the Premises Licence.


    1. Shall not sub-let the premises or any part thereof.

    2. Shall not allow smoking in any part of the Village Hall.

    3. Shall keep doors and windows closed for the duration of events involving amplified music.

    4. Shall not allow screws, wires, tacks, nails, Blue Tac, adhesive tape or the like to be affixed to, driven into, or brought into contact with any part of the premises, nor affix any placards thereto without the prior consent of the Committee.

    5. Shall not allow flags, emblems, advertisements etc. to be displayed inside or outside the premises, nor decorations, trimmings, temporary hangings etc., including Christmas decorations, without the prior written consent of the Committee. Any such shall have been treated with fire retardant.

    6. Shall not allow additional lights, or extensions from existing lights, to be used or attached without the prior written consent of the Committee.

    7. Shall not do, or suffer to be done, anything which may in any way imperil any insurance policy in respect of the premises. Such policy may be inspected by the hirer upon request and, in the absence of such request, the hirer will be deemed to have knowledge of its contents.

    8. Shall ensure that good order is kept on the premises during the hire and provide a sufficient number of stewards to see that order in the hall is properly maintained to the satisfaction of the Committee being the licensees for the time being under the Licensing Act 2003.

    9. Shall ensure that the hire charge is paid at the time of booking. No booking is valid unless this has been paid.

    10. Shall ensure that no copyright musical or dramatic work shall be performed or sung without the permission of the copyright owner.

    11. The hall is not licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor. If the hirer wishes to obtain a licence from the relevant authority, they must obtain prior written consent from the Committee.

    12. Shall ensure that emergency exits are kept clear of obstructions at all times.

    13. Shall at the expiration of the hiring:

      1. Leave the premises in a clean and orderly state and put all rubbish in the wheelie bin provided. Any rubbish not placed in the bin shall be removed from the premises.

      2. Ensure that all lights, car park lights and power points are switched off or unplugged.

      3. Ensure that all windows and outside doors, including Emergency Exits, are properly closed and secured.


  1. Shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any property arising out of the hiring or for any loss due to any failure of electricity, leakage of water, fire, act of God or by any other method or cause which may cause the hiring of the premises to be cancelled, temporarily or partly closed or interrupted.

  2. The hire charge includes the cost of all electricity. The electricity for the hall heaters is on three timers set to an hour each. These timers can be set back to an hour at any time and there is a master reset switch to turn them all off.

  3. A copy of the Hire Agreement will be sent to you when you press submit. It must be accompanied by the relevant payments for the booking to be confirmed. We will reply to the email to confirm receipt and acceptance of the booking.

  4. In the event of any damage or loss to the said premises, or to the contents therein, or to the approaches thereto arising out of the hire of the said premises: The Hirer undertakes to pay the cost of reparation to the Committee on demand. The Hirer accepts that the decision of the Committee on damage, repairs or replacements which may be necessary, and the cost, will be final. The hirer indemnifies the Committee against all further costs and expenses arising out of the damage.

Your privacy is important to us, and we are committed to protecting your personal data when you make a booking with us.

We collect your personal data, consisting of your name, email address and postal address in order to perform the function of booking a time slot at the Hall and entering into a contract with you. This data will be shared with the independent examiner of our accounts; it is not shared with any other third party.

Email *
Your Name *
Postal Address *
Booking Dates *
Please let us know if you wish to hire the hall for more than one day (e.g. Wedding/weekend event)
Booking Start Time *
Booking end time *
The booking will include an application to sell intoxicating liquors:
Hire Charge *
Culford Village Hall charges Hire £150 per day for a one off.
£100 per day for regular users (monthly or less).
£20 per hour for non-residents.
£15 per hour for residents* and repeat users.
Table and chair hire (to take off site). £10 per day per table and eight chairs.
Car Park hire £100 per day (For parking without hiring the Hall)

*Residents are from Culford, West Stow, Ingham, Wordwell or Culford Heath
Having read the Terms and Conditions of hire, we hereby agree to abide by the the said terms and conditions
We have completed a risk assessment*
Before hiring the hall you will need to have completed a risk assessment
We have read and acted upon the Fire Safety regulations
How to pay
Our preferred payment method is BACS transfer to the account below:

Culford Village Hall

Sort Code 40-15-22 ( HSBC ) 

A/C # 01300903

Please contact us if you are unable to pay by BACS

We will email you confirmation of your booking.

Thank you.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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